DEFEND JERUSALEM has issued a formal request to the office of Omer Bar-Lev, the Minister of Internal Security, asking that his office use the full powers at its disposal to stop the nefarious activities of Rasam A’bidat, a known Palestinian Authority terror officer, in Jerusalem.
Rasam A’bidat is a declared operational activist working in the Jerusalem area for groups called “the popular forces” and the “Islamists.” These organizations are cover names for underground pro-terrorist cells that operate on behalf of the Palestinian Authority as part of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, or PFLP. The PFLP is one of the world’s first and most notorious terrorist groups and introduced such acts as the hijacking of commercial aircraft into the global vernacular.
Rasam A’bidat plays a critical role in all facets of the PFLP terror operations inside Jerusalem, especially lone wolf attacks involving individuals armed with firearms or knives that indiscriminately attack civilians in the Israeli capital; often, the lone wolf attackers use vehicles to ram pedestrians. PFLP operations inside Jerusalem have resulted in the loss of life and casualties—these bloody incidents have been a contributing factor to the city becoming a tinderbox for violence.
The safety and security of Jerusalem and its residence are an Israeli national security imperative. As a result, DEFEND JERUSALEM is asking the Ministry of Internal Security to prioritize the matter of Rasam A’bidat and to dedicate its vast resources to stop him from entering the State of Israel—and especially Jerusalem.