PA TV threatens to commit genocide against Jews

According to a recent report in Palestinian Media Watch, a sermon from a mosque in Ramallah was broadcast live on PA TV threatening to commit genocide against the Jewish people.

By Rachel Avraham

According to a recent report in Palestinian Media Watch, a sermon from a mosque in Ramallah was broadcast live on PA TV threatening to commit genocide against the Jewish people: “Muslims, part of your faith is threatened, and it is occupied and defiled by Israel. Do not leave an oppressor, tyrant or occupier. O Allah, kill them one by one and do not leave even one.”

This is not the first that that voices within the Palestinian Authority have threatened genocide against the Jewish people. In another PA TV sermon documented by Palestinian Media Watch, the imam proclaims: “O Allah, strike the oppressive Jews. O Allah, count them one by one, and kill them one by one. Do not even leave one.”

On another instance, PA TV documented an Arab resident of Judea and Samaria stating: “Everyone has been harmed and Allah willing things will turn out for our benefit. Allah willing the Jews will cease to exist. We know that the Master of the Universe promised us that the Jews will cease to exist.”

It is important to recall that PA TV is not an independent media outlet. The views on PA TV represent the views of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, as there is no freedom of the press in the Palestinian Authority. This is the very same Abbas that the West wants to see running Gaza as part of a revitalized Palestinian Authority. 

However, this very same Abbas and his government routinely engage in hateful incitement, which makes it more difficult for peace to be obtained in the region. For example, PA Shari’ah Judge Nasser Al-Qirem proclaimed: “We will not forget the commitment to the pure Martyrs, and the groans of the prisoners in the Nazi occupation’s (i.e., Israel’s) prison cells. Out of loyalty to these Martyrs and these prisoners, and out of loyalty to the Al-Aqsa Mosque which is being desecrated by the Zionist crime gangs throughout the day, under the protection of the occupation and its soldiers, in order to defile it and Judaize it… For all of this, we must return to our unity.”

Mahmoud Abbas’ Advisor on Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash also stated: “A group from among the People of the Book (i.e., Jews) wants to deceive you… and turn you back from your religion so that you will be like them. This goes back to the initial point of the conflict, the conflict between good and evil…They [Jews] have left the path of humanity and followed Satanity. Satanity is an exit from humanity … Satan does not have to be in the form of a demon, hidden, he can also bein your form, but he is Satan. In the form of man, but he is Satan. And they (i.e., Satan-Jews) are still fighting us until they turn us back from our religion.”

This same advisor said at another point: “The collective [Muslim] duty that is obligated today is the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque (i.e., the Temple Mount)… The supreme [duty] is that it be returned, liberated, defended, and purified from the defilement of the occupation and the theft… The minimal duty is at least to visit [the mosque], to awaken to it, so that it will not be abandoned as prey in the hands of the grazing herds of humanoids (i.e., Jews on the Temple Mount), of people or creatures that Allah created in the form of humans, and He said of them: “Shall I inform you of [what is] worse than that as penalty from Allah? [It is that of] those whom Allah has cursed and with whom He became angry and made of them apes and pigs.” [Quran 5:60]… [We Muslims must take care of the mosque] instead of the Al-Aqsa Mosque continuing to be the prey of humanoids who claim that they have a right to it and that they have sovereignty over it, and that [they] have religious and historical rights to it.”

Even Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas at the 11th conference of the Fatah Revolutionary Council once stated, “This has been explained in many Jewish books when they said that they killed the Jews because they are Jews and Europe hates the Jews because they are Jews. No. It has been precisely explained that the fought the Jews because of their social role and not because of their religion. They fight these people due to their social role, which is connected to usury and money and the like. Even Hitler fought the Jews because they worked based on usury and money. In other words, they caused ruin in his opinion and therefore he hated them.”

Photo from PA Media Watch: