Hamas youth leader threatens a repeat of October 7

MEMRI recently reported that Mohammad Al-Najjar, head of Hamas’s Youth Department, told Iranian TV that “October 7 Will Be Repeated [With Attacks] From The West Bank, Lebanon, Egypt, The East, From All Directions.”

By Rachel Avraham

MEMRI recently reported that Mohammad Al-Najjar, head of Hamas’s Youth Department, told Iranian TV that “October 7 Will Be Repeated [With Attacks] From The West Bank, Lebanon, Egypt, The East, From All Directions.” He then continued, “Were the orchestrators of October 7 eliminated? No. Are the people who attacked Israel and took Israeli soldiers hostages still alive? Yes, they are still alive. They orchestrated the October 7 attack and brought victory.”

He emphasized, “We certainly achieved a great victory against an enemy that claimed to be invincible. he technologies that are [used] in Gaza – such as the UAVs – come from Iran. We are grateful for this support, and hope that the Iranians and the Islamic Republic of Iran continue to support Gaza.”

Following this interview, MEMRI noted that Egyptian daily Al-Dustour journalist Ahmad Al-Saghir slams Hamas and its leaders for their claim that Hamas has won the war against Israel: “While Egypt was focused on bringing hundreds of aid trucks into the Gaza Strip, several channels were airing a long speech by [Hamas’] masked spokesman Abu Obeida. I listened with deep sorrow and sadness to this speech, and I can find no better description for it than “the speech of obvious lies,” rather than “the speech of clear victory.””

Al Saghir continued, “As is usual and customary [for Hamas, the speech] began with a flowery religious introduction aimed at stirring the hearers’ emotions and shutting down their brains, so they will forget what they saw and felt at every moment [of the war]. The [message] conveyed by Hamas’ spokesman, which implicitly presented his organization as a new generation similar to the early jihad fighters among the Companions of the Prophet, is a complete lie and an insult to the Prophet’s Companions, for neither the Prophet nor his Companions ever kidnapped women, children and elderly people, or foreigners with whom there are agreements. None of them behaved the way this organization has behaved throughout its history towards Egypt: attacking it and allowing harm to its soil, its resources, its borders and the lives of its people, who have always been the greatest supporters of the Palestinian people.”

According to Al Saghir, “By citing the beginning of Surat Al-Israa [the 17th surah of the Quran], he [Abu Obeida implies] that [Hamas] will be the one to enter Al-Aqsa. Have you liberated Al-Aqsa? [And] who says that Islam permits to endanger the lives of millions of civilians in order to liberate Al-Aqsa? Did the Prophet not say that demolishing the Kaaba, stone by stone, is lighter [in the sight of Allah] than spilling the blood of a single person?..”  

“Abu Obeida addressed the Palestinian people, the Islamic nation and the lovers of freedom throughout the world,” he noted. “Has Hamas’ official spokesman not read the messages of Gazans who curse Hamas from morning to night and clearly accuse it of betraying the Palestinian people?!… How can you address the [Palestinian] people after your organization directly caused the defeat of their resistance and undermined the achievements of their struggle, [accomplished] over long decades?”

According to Al Saghir, “Who convinced this man that he or his movement are the leaders of the nation? The officials of his movement were bombed by Israel; some of them were killed in hotels and others hid, while the bones of the women and children of the [Gaza] Strip were being crushed and their flesh was being burned. Were the Companions of the Prophet cowards who sent out their women and children to be killed while they hid, until they [too] were killed in their hideouts?… The pure Companions of the Prophet must not be mentioned in the same sentence with those who broke their promises and betrayed their commitments.”

In conclusion, Al Saghir proclaims: “Hamas’ spokesman deliberately avoided mentioning Egypt or the Egyptians, and we Egyptians will never forget this wickedness, just as we never forget loyalty. For the historical record, let me say openly that, were it not for Egypt, the people of the Strip would have been killed or would have died of hunger while patiently [waiting for salvation] – because Abu Obeida, or the people who use him and his movement, do not care about them.”

He noted, “Were it not for Egypt, not a single packet of medicine or a single loaf of bread would have reached the people of the Strip.  Were it not for Egypt, the situation would not have been as it is today. You [Hamas] are traitors and have abandoned [your people]. We [Egyptians] are doing what we are doing for the sake of that woman who cried out, amid the ruins of Gaza, that Hamas does not represent the Strip… I say to Abu Obeida that, when Egypt’s patience runs out, the time of reckoning will come…”